Today marks an historical milestone for media buying and selling in Asia. Thailand will be leading cross-media audience measurement!

ADTEB is an industry body made up of the 15 DTT broadcasters in Thailand. ADTEB has selected Nielsen to build a cross-media audience measurement solution. This will be delivered through Nielsen’s global Nielsen ONE vision, a single, cross-media solution aimed at driving more comparable and comprehensive metrics across platforms.

Nielsen ONE in Thailand helps media owners to gauge how their audiences are growing across linear and digital platforms and will empower media buyers with data to help them make informed decisions about the reach of their advertising investments.

Nielsen currently measures video audiences in over 35 countries around the world, across the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia and Pacific. Nielsen is constantly innovating its technology to help ensure it remains at the forefront of measuring evolving audience behaviour.

Nielsen’s cross-media video measurement will combine its single source panel with a digital census, capturing viewing across broadcaster apps and players. This results in a granular dataset covering a daily view of how people engage with video across traditional and streaming platforms. This hybrid approach provides a holistic view of Thai audiences, capturing the myriad viewing options available today.

Suphap Kleekajai, President of the ADTEB, said: “We are thrilled to walk beside Nielsen to deliver this gold standard measurement. Our focus is to create credibility, accuracy, and transparency in the origin of samples and research methods for media owners and buyers to plan and trade effectively”

Aaron Rigby, Managing Director, Nielsen Thailand, said: “A true first step for South East Asia, Media in Thailand is embracing tremendous change and innovation. It is a testament to the importance of media and industry collaboration to establish best practice cross-media video audience measurement. Audience behaviours around content are changing rapidly, it is the right time for the industry to bring robust video measurement to Thailand. This currency will bring a new understanding of Thailand’s dynamic population and the multiple ways they consume video to marketers and publishers, creating new opportunities for advertisers and driving engagement in content from viewers.”

Sean Cohan, Chief Growth Officer & President, International Nielsen Media concluded: “Cross-media audiences are complex to measure with the number of platforms and content available to consumers. Nielsen’s reputation as a trusted data provider is critical for Thailand to monetise audiences with confidence. Through Nielsen’s latest generation video panel technologies, Nielsen’s Streaming and Nano Meters, Thailand will be at the forefront of understanding evolving audience behaviour.

We believe we stand apart in our investment in the industry to meet their sophisticated needs. Nielsen has invested in the tools, systems, capabilities and partnerships to underpin media buying and selling in countries.”

Source: Nielsen Thailand