Embrio Signs Partnership With Leading Israeli Cyber Security Firm Orchestra Group To Deliver Enterprise Grade IoT Cybersecurity Dome Defence In Asia

Embrio Enterprises has concluded a formal partnership with leading cyber security firm Orchestra Group to deliver a cutting edge IoT cybersecurity dome defence solution for enterprises and public agencies in Singapore and Asia.

The Company’s most advanced solutions include Harmony IoT, an enterprise-grade cybersecurity protection dome that fills the industry’s current IoT cybersecurity gap, continuously identifying and monitoring all the smart connected devices in the enterprise’s surrounding airspace. By subscribing to the service, enterprises would gain total visibility, active threat detection and real-time attack mitigation to protect their assets and operations, while safely embracing IoT and wireless technologies.

The other highly anticipated solution called Harmony Purple, is an automated blue team and red team technology that layers its patented attack path scenario engine on top of an organisation’s existing cyber capabilities. It continuously analyses the organisation’s security posture to prioritize the most effective ways to minimize their cyber risks. In today’s security environment where organisations are faced with voluminous threats and vulnerability alerts, the highly intelligent and automated approach provided by Harmony Purple would provide the much-needed support and relief to cyber security professionals. 

Cedric Lim, MD of Embrio Enterprises commented: “Embrio’s partnership with Orchestra Group is a timely initiative for us to introduce an advanced and effective solution for CISOs to plan, build and measure what they want to achieve as well as having highly effective tools to detect, mitigate and prioritise the ever-increasing threats and vulnerabilities faced by organisations today. The technology offerings provided by Orchestra Group enables Embrio to be at the forefront of cyber security solutions and a complete managed services security provider.”

“Singapore and Asia Pacific in general are focus markets in Orchestra group’s growth plan,” said Yair Poplawski, GM of Orchestra’s APAC branch. “Embrio represents all the qualities we are looking in a VAD partner. It has a highly experienced team with a thorough understanding of the unique needs of users in the region as well as strong professional chain of resellers to support them. This new partnership is an important step in building our presence in the region and to bring our best-in-class security solutions to the region.” 

For enquiries please contact:

Melvin Chan
Business Development Director
[email protected] 

Source:  PRNewswire/InfoQuest