Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (MSC), The Leader in Digital Innovator, on behalf of Solutions Integration Group, Design & Engineering Solutions Department (DES) the official distributor of 3D printers from the UltiMaker held the launch event of “Open House UltiMaker Factor 4 in Thailand” for the first time in Thailand. Along with the launch of the newest 3D printer model from the Netherlands on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at SM Tower, 16th floor, BPC meeting room (BTS Sanam Pao) and join in watching via Facebook LIVE Metro-3D Printer & 3D Scanner.
The “Open House UltiMaker Factor 4 in Thailand” was organized to present interesting technology from the UltiMaker brand, a leader in desktop 3D printing technology and solutions from the Netherlands. Honored by Mr. Nuttaphon Netmugda, Assistant Vice President of Design & Engineering Solutio, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited and Mr. Chevy Kok, Vice President, Asia – Pacific from UltiMaker, to present new era of 3D printing trend solutions. Along with the launch of the “UltiMaker Factor 4”, the newest 3D printer for the industrial sector, presented the functions in depth by Mr. Jukkapong Chertongkam, Additive Manufacturing Manager, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited with Mr. Araya Sa-Ngobpun, Marketing Manager, Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited as the moderator.
“UltiMaker Factor 4,” the newest industrial 3D printer, comes with a new HT Print Core that supports higher temperatures of up to 340?C, enabling a broader range of high-performance, temperature-resistant, and durable materials,, such as new materials such as PPS Carbon Fiber, a heat-resistant material with quality comparable to steel or aluminum which is suitable for an even wider range of applications in industry.
The latest innovations in the new 3D Printer, UltiMaker Factor 4 offers a temperature-controlled build volume of 330 x 240 x 300 mm, combining UltiMaker’s industrial 3D printer technology to meet the demands of Industry 4.0, increasing printing flexibility. Reduce work steps and can operate continuously Supports printing with more engineered materials. Comes with a Direct Drive Dual Extrusion, line injection system and has a printing report system and innovations.
UltiMaker Factor 4 promotes production processes Suitable for industrial plants with automatic material changing system. Maintain the quality of the material with temperature control to ensures the great results. No matter how complex and difficult the piece is, including an automatic system for changing materials whether loading or unloading (can fit 6 rolls).
The machine has a 7″ capacitive touch screen and UltiMaker Factor 4, the UltiMaker Factor 4 uses an H-Bridge drive system with Direct Drive nozzles for fast bi-material printing. The Factor 4 can also print at temperatures up to 340?. C, maintains an internal temperature of 70?C and increases the Build Plate temperature up to 120?C, and those are just some example of the features of UltiMaker Factor 4.
3D Printing is considered one of the important solutions in development and progress the domestic industry to a Smart Factory with innovations that make the production of complex workpieces easy. Reduce production costs, UltiMaker Factor 4 can fully answer customer needs for high quality 3D printing. including consulting services for use and maintenance by Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited is the only distributor that has real machines available for trial use today.
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