Huawei today made a resolute announcement at the UN Global Compact Network Thailand Forum (GCNT Forum) 2023: Partnership for Human Capital 5.0 towards Sustainable Intelligence-Based Society, expressing its steadfast commitment in advancing the deployment of technology and innovative solutions to address ongoing challenges in the digital transformation era and to drive sustainable development for Thailand. During the forum, the company revealed its visionary approach to staying abreast of the emerging economic direction in the 5.0 era, propelled by the breakthrough of digital technologies. In addition, Huawei also showcased the integration of Human Capital development into their business strategy to answer the needs of Thai businesses and the country for improved growth towards an inclusive and sustainable digital Thailand. The company emphasizes its commitment to digital inclusion in 4 key directions, which include education, environments, healthcare, and balanced development.
Dr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, honored the event by giving a special speech under theme “Leaders’ way of thinking for developing people towards a sustainable economy and society”: “The ‘New Growth Path’ economic direction from the government utilizes a human-centered approach to prepare for the Fifth Industrial Revolution, which consists of 3 aspects: 1) Green growth that focus on how business can have an impact on society and the environment; 2) innovation-driven growth that utilizes knowledge, innovation, and technology, which includes artificial intelligence and digital technology in both government policy and the private sector’s business practices; and 3) community-based growth that enhances workforces, improves the production process for entrepreneurs, and creates new jobs, supported by labor policies that lead to employment and valued work for everyone. In this way, the private sector can be a good example in showing how to live life and do business sustainably, such as by measuring carbon footprints, supporting the supply chain of green businesses, and providing business opportunities for small businesses or entrepreneurs that want to create new business models.”
Mr. Suphachai Chearavanont, Chairperson of UN Global Compact Network Thailand (UNGCNT) and Senior Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltd., gave a speech at the event: “Preparation for ‘people’ or human resources could truly help us achieve the sustainable development goals. This is also a vital part of economic and social development in the 5.0 era, which is an era where humans and technology harmoniously integrate with AI utilization. We suggest adding additional guidelines for developing human capital towards a ‘sustainable intelligent society’ for students, where they must learn how to use technology with ‘Action-Based Learning’ and increase adaptability with a ‘Growth Mindset’ to incubate ideas about sustainability. Teachers must adjust their roles from instructors to ‘Facilitators’, which in turn will lead to transformation with transparent measurements. The private sector can also play this role by organizing activities, similar to a learning center, which align with the sustainable development goals in relation to businesses and labor. Organizations should adjust their viewpoint on human resource development and how we can take advantage of AI to enhance our working processes. In this respect, employers, including the government sector, should prepare current and future labor skills and human resources to effectively utilize AI. UNGCNT has confirmed its role in mobilizing support for education system reform to increase the capabilities of teachers, educational personnel, and workers to have more appropriate skills for the transition to the 5.0 era. We will focus on realizing a fair transition by creating ‘sustainable Intelligence’ with ‘sustainable wisdom’, creating a space for sustainable development for everyone and leaving no one behind.”
Dr. Chawapol Jariyawiroj, President of Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd., emphasized the crucial role of technological advancements in building a sustainable green society and economy for the future: “Scientific exploration and technological innovations are key drivers of civilization and society. Digital technologies are reshaping the world around us and accelerating our journey towards an intelligent future. At Huawei, we have long been committed to leveraging technologies to make the world a better place. We hope to help bring these benefits to everyone and to promote sustainable social development.”
He added that Huawei is committed to bringing digital to every person, home, and organization for a fully connected, intelligent Thailand. To achieve this mission, Huawei has continued to innovate while focusing on four sustainability strategies: digital inclusion, security and trustworthiness, environmental protection, and a healthy and harmonious ecosystem.
“Our commitment in digital inclusion includes four domains which are Education, Environment, Health, and Development. For education, we aim to drive equity and quality in education. For Environment, we want to conserve nature by utilizing technology. For Health, we would like to promote inclusive healthcare and information accessibility. And for Development, we are committed to connect and utilize ICT to boost rural development.” He said.
The seminar, hosted by the UN Global Compact Network Thailand (UNGCNT) and the United Nations in Thailand, stands as a high-level sustainability leadership conference that brings together business leaders from across diverse sectors, fostering collaboration to advance sustainable business practices in Thailand. Under the theme “Partnership for Human Capital 5.0 towards Sustainable Intelligence-Based Society,” Representatives from Government Agencies, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI), together with 131 member companies, including Huawei Technologies (Thailand), Unilever, and CK Power, as well as Thai and international stakeholders, collaboratively discussed how to support business leaders in cultivating human capital and to enhance the capabilities of “people” to contribute to the economic growth and development of the country.
UNGCNT is one of the local networks of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest sustainable development network that campaigns worldwide for the private sector to formulate strategies and adhere to sustainable economic principles. Huawei Thailand has actively engaged in a collaborative partnership with UNGCNT since 2021. Following the conclusion of the seminar, UNGCNT members declared a series of tangible cooperation agreements and established roadmaps with measurable and scalable outcomes, fostering further progress towards a sustainable green society and economy.
Huawei harnesses the power of digital technology to propel sustainable development, contributing to the realization of a smarter and more inclusive society. The company remains steadfast in advancing its mission to “Grow in Thailand, Contribute to Thailand” and “Lead Everyone Forward, Leave No One Behind”, with a dedicated focus on facilitating Thailand’s digital transition and adoption of green technologies. As Huawei continues to bridge the power divide by bringing green energy to every corner of Thailand, the company remains dedicated to illuminating a brighter and more sustainable digital future. This reflects Huawei’s mission and the company’s belief that digital technologies are key to developing the country into becoming a future digital hub of ASEAN.